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Office-Appropriate Halloween Costumes

It’s that time of year again.  Halloween decor is up all around the office and the pressure is on to pick out the perfect office costume that’s both appropriate and yet, hmm, what’s the word? 


Well don’t you worry that scary little skull of yours because we’ve got you covered.  Whether you’re aiming for a look as dramatic as Dracula or as playful as Pippi Longstocking, we’ve gathered a few ideas that are sure to spawn some inspiration!

Wanna be charming? It’s alarming how charming you’ll be when you pair bunny or mouse ears with a cool graphic tee.  It’s both a minimalist and DIY-friendly choice that’s simply be-witching and will have compliments oozing in from the co-workers.

Wanna make a grand entrance through those office doors?  Then vamp it up as one of your favorite celebs or an iconic movie character, and you’ll be welcoming wicked standing ovations in no time. 

Still stumped?  Then check out our Copy Team’s monster mash of creative costume picks that work….for work.  After all, if you’ve got it, haunt it!




Picking out a noteworthy Halloween costume can seem like a daunting task for the office. Don’t fret; we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re going for a playful or dramatic look, we’ve rounded up a few ideas that are bound to inspire. Aiming for a charming and witty costume this year? Try pairing bunny or mouse ears with a graphic print tee. It’s a minimalist and DIY-friendly choice that’s bound to land compliments from your co-workers. If you’re looking to make a fun and theatrical entrance, go for one of your favorite celebrities or an iconic movie character to guarantee an applause-worthy entrance. Still stumped? Check out our Copy Team for creative costume picks that work, for work. IMAGES: Copywriters are going to photograph dressed up.