Mom’s Survival Kit Product Insert Newsletter



Column 1

Monster Repellent Spray Directions

Step 1 – Fill the spray bottle with Magical Repellent Potion from the Enchanted Fountain of Bathroom Faucet.

Step 2 – Shake it all about while chanting the magic words: Hocus…Pocus…Monstrositous…Repellantous!

Step 3 – Before bed, spray Monster Repellant in all possible monster hideouts, such as in the closet and under the bed.  Sleep tight little one!


Column 2

Top 3 Birth(ing) Records

And you thought you deserved an award…

  • The oldest mother in history is recorded as Omkari Panwar from India in 2008, when she gave birth to twins at 72 years old.
  • The record for most babies born from a single birth goes to Nadya Suleman who gave birth to octuplets in 2009.
  • The record for shortest time period between two births goes to Jayne Bleackley who gave birth to a first baby on September 3, 1999, then got pregnant again and gave birth to a second baby on March 30, 2000, only 6.5 months apart.

(Source: &


Column 3

3 of the Meanest Moms in the Animal Kindom

If you think you’re failing at momming, think again.  You could be a lot worse.

#3 Panda Bear Moms

A Panda mom normally has only enough milk and nutrients to feed one cub.  So if she births 2 or more, she cares for only the strongest one, completely ignoring the other cubs.  She may even neglectfully roll over or step on them.

#2 Black Bear Moms

On the other end of the spectrum, a Black Bear mom normally births 2 or 3 cubs at a time.  So if she only births one, she decides it isn’t worth the effort to raise just a solitary offspring, and so promptly abandons it.

#1 Hamster Moms

Hamster moms have been known to actually eat their babies.  Some scientists think she does so to replenish lost nutrients after birth.  Others think she feels threatened by a large litter.  And if any babies have abnormalities, they’re goners for sure.