Mom’s Survival Kit Product Story



The Ultimate Mom’s Kit

A Mommy Survival Gift Set


They say that children are a mother’s most wonderful cherished treasure of love.  Come now, let’s get real!  Kids can be an ocean of total and complete chaos, so throwing out a much-needed lifesaver might just float her boat right about now.  For all the mothers in your life, especially new mothers, this ultimate mom’s kit is packed with momming essentials like a magic eraser to rub out crayon masterpieces from the walls, a whistle to break up a fight between siblings who won’t quit bugging each other, and a notepad with all the details a babysitter needs so that the hardworking mom that you know and love might take a well-deserved break for a night!


– The Story of –

The Ultimate Mom’s Kit

Everything You Need to Mother Like a Boss

The little kiddos are lucky that we love them to bits, because Mom-ing is no easy task.  And although we’d never want it any other way, sometimes an arsenal of mom-gadgets is simply essential for survival!  A thermos of (wink wink) “coffee” for utmost concentration.  An eye mask and ear buds for seizing rare nap moments.  A Monster Spray for battle with anything lurking under the bed.  A secret weapon (a.k.a. candy) for bribing the youngsters.  And naturally, a fanny-pack to carry it all in the absolute coolest manner possible.




– The Story of –

Supermom Stash

The Complete Kit for Momming

You’re pretty much a superhero disguised as a mom.  One minute you’re taking gentle sips from your tumbler of coffee (or wine), and the next minute you’re off catching kids running away from bath time.  When you’ve got your special eye-mask on, you still have powers of hearing the softest hint that someone is trying to sneak into the cookie jar.  And when there’s something lurking under the bed, there you are in full glory battling with Monster Spray until all is safe in the world again.  The little ones have no idea how you do it.  But don’t worry, you’ve got your Supermom Stash, and your secret is safe.


Alternate Names:

Mommy’s Go-To Gadgets

A Survival Kit to Mom It Up Like a Rock Star

Mother’s Arsenal

A Mommy Survival Kit to Take into Battle